Warmer water and reduced river flows in the United States and Europe in recent years have led to reduced production, or temporary shutdown, of several thermoelectric power plants. For instance, the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Alabama had to shut down more than once last summer because the Tennessee River’s water was too warm to use it for cooling.
Tag Archives: nuclear energy
Thorium-borate crystals remove 96% nuclear waste from water – in lab study
While the costs associated with storing nuclear waste and the possibility of it leaching into the environment remain legitimate concerns, they may no longer be obstacles on the road to cleaner energy.
Nuclear fusion simulation shows high-gain energy output
High-gain nuclear fusion could be achieved in a preheated cylindrical container immersed in strong magnetic fields, according to a series of computer simulations performed at Sandia National Laboratories.

Prototype assembly of MagLIF system - the top and bottom coils enclose the lit target. Photo by Derek Lamppa, Sandia National Laboratories.
Nuclear future on balance: world has not responded to Fukushima, Europe has
And of course Japan has too – as suffering such damage demands a general policy reevaluation. Apparently different political systems apply different forms of logic, a new report states. But we have just one investment market…
Science suffers from faked sense of controversy
Shutting down 20GW nuclear translates to 11GW extra coal
And 5GW of newly built gas power plants, which also emit more CO2 than [practically zero carbon] nuclear power plants. This is just the German case. Meanwhile also Switzerland has announced it will phase out its entire nuclear capacity and … Continue reading
Geothermal energy in IEA’s 450 Scenario
Geothermal energy (electricity and heat energy) have to –at least– increase ten- to twentyfold over 4 decades as part of the big 450 mission.
The World Energy Outlook 2010: the 450 Scenario and other estimates
On Tuesday the International Energy Agency presented its World Energy Outlook 2010. Apart from many other facts and estimates concerning energy trends the report shows two interesting scenarios: the New Policies Scenario (where current G20 agreements are implemented) and the … Continue reading