Today’s paradox: Indian monsoon may recover at price of climate change

Over the second half of the 20th century the monsoon rains in the Ganges Valley in north and northeast India decreased by 10 percent. Meanwhile monsoon rains in the south and the Indus Valley [remember 2010 Pakistan floods] increased. Burning … Continue reading

Missing heat 2000-2009 indeed deeper in ocean, says NCAR model

As a regular of you may recall a publication on ocean warming [between 2003-2010] in Geophysical Research Letters from last July. That one was little-noticed by the world’s media, but now its findings may receive more attention, as an … Continue reading

Today’s paradox: coal is not worse for climate than natural gas

It´s basic chemistry: coal is mainly carbon, if you burn it you get lots of CO2. Natural gas is mostly methane, and that’s a different story. With methane just ’20 percent of the burned atoms’ are carbon, the rest is … Continue reading

Arctic sea ice has reached new melting record – doesn’t NSIDC say

Today is September 14 2011, the day the Climate Reality Project makes a stand against the ‘new normal of climate denial.’ Over 24 times zones there will be 24 climate presentations in which public attention will be focused on the … Continue reading

Climatic CO2 benefits of fertiliser offset by increased N2O emissions

Since the 1860’s nitrogen additions to the terrestrial biosphere have more than doubled, due to human activities. Since nitrogen is a key nutrient needed for plant growth and therefore used as a fertiliser, the additions have made a drastic increase … Continue reading